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Sunday, April 5, 2009 ( 2:20 AM )

Ahh, its been so long since I posted... Sianz. A lot of homework these days and stuff. Last week we had to stay back every single day! Mon - Malay. Tue - Jap/Debate. Wed - English, Thu - Math. Fri - HCL. So... exhausting. Luckily Malay and English ended le, so this week should be less chaotic.

Nowadays, I normally spend my time facebook-ing... Haha. I just don't feel like blogging. Gals, join my sorority house in sorority life kay??? I seriously need for ppl there.

Oh ya, PL got into the FINALS of the JGs!! Yay! =D We beat ACS Barker! OMG, it was such a close fight. Before the winner was annouced, I was like, Ahhh, we're so screwed. Cos seriously, ACS Barker was really good. We're going against Global Indian International so you gotta wish us luck! I'm really scared that we'll get our butts kicked, but nevermind, got silver also can larh... And I saw Sam and OKJ. Lolz. They were walking all around the place and stuff. And we kept waving. Hehe...

I'll try to post more frequently if I can, kay?? This blog just seems so dead... -.- I'm beginning to get sian of my skin. Should I change???

You know you love me,
Sarah ♥♥

Loved ~ ♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ( 4:41 AM )

OMG, today huang lao shi got problem larh. You know I bring a book whenever we gotta change classroom right?? I admit, I'm addicted to reading. So I was reading before laoshi came larh, but when she came I closed my book (after putting in the bookmark of course...) and put it under my desk. Then I obediently listened to class like the good little girl I am (LOL). But my hair was kinda loose so I took out my hair band and retied it. But you know its easier to tie your hair when you look down right?? So I looked down and the next thing I know laoshi's in front of me and she was all like "庆欣,请你别在华文课时看书!把书本交给我。以后别在带英文书来上华文课了!" I mean like, hello, blind person, do you see my book open?? Huh? HUH?? How to read a book without opening it?? Oh wow, I have super x-ray vision! She totally spoiled my mood for today larh.

Chapel today was so cool!! We went to the Agape Concert Hall which had nice air-con and comfy seats! Ahhh... The pastor told so many lame jokes... I've heard most of them before. But he's kinda entertaining. Lolz...

And P.E. today was so freaky! We had to do like, skipping, crawling around (the type where you crawl on your feet and not your knees so basically your hands get all the weight and you butt is in the air) which seriously hurt my hands, more skipping, and this grapevine thingy. Its seriously cool. You start by facing your right, and both legs shoulder-width apart. Then you cross you right leg over your left leg to like, take a step. Move your left leg back so you're in the same position, but one step forward. Then cross your right leg again, but this time you cross it behind your left leg. So you're supposed to repeat this until you reach the end. Its totally fun but super hard. I keep missing steps. I'm telling you, Vinita is the best at this. She's like, twist twist twist. So pro lorh!!

And the after-school english enrichment thingy was like, urghhh. The teacher made us "debate" but we have five speakers, one minute to speak, and a crappy motion ("Is online chat harmful?" WTH). Sophia and some other random ppl (no offense) forced me to go first lorh. So unfair... I wanted to go 3rd. Then around 3rd, ppl ran out of things to say (HA!) and cos we can't repeat speakers (note: the speakers are not like, confirmed. If you have something to say, just stand in your seat) I had to like, write down all the possible points that I wanna say but can't onto a piece of paper and pass it around. So you can imagine... People are like, "uhhhhh...." and there's busy 'lil me rapidly squibbling away. Haha... And our final week assignment has been changed from an individual presentation (which - haha - the other classes are still doing) to a debate!! And even better still, my team's debating "Is school uniforms good?" and we're PROP!! Lolz... so lucky lorh, I debated it before. So I'm gathering all my notes now. Debaters if you have any notes, email me kay?? Thanks!!

Other than that, nothing else happened. I gotta go do my science blog now. I'm super procrastinating larh.

Twilight quote: I'll be back so fast, you won't even have time to miss me. Take care of my heart, I've left it with you. - Edward Cullen, New moon (i think...) Awwww....

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ( 12:26 AM )

I just realised how long its been since I posted. Sighs...... Anyway, HAPPY BDAE to Vkhoo! Yay~ *applause* 13 years old le...

So happy... Tessa agreed to go to PS with Nichew and I. =D At first we wanted to go with Lychee and HJ (I also dunno why... Ly, why can't you go anyway???)but then they backed out so left the two of us. Then Nichew's parents don't allow her to go cos only 2 people so we had to get more ppl larh. So if Tess couldn't go then everyone can't go lorh. Luckily Tess can go... ^^

Debate got changed to yesterday so today I'm slacking. Very bored... Yawn. Everyone's at CCA so I have nobody to talk to. I'm thinking of changing my blogskin, should I?? And this blog is so dead. Talk people, Talk!!

I'm gonna find more blogskins le... Cya.

Twilight Quote: So did you stab Edward Cullen with a pencil or what? - Mike Newton (Can't remember what book...)

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

Saturday, March 7, 2009 ( 12:07 AM )


So bored today~ I was changing my blogskin for Science. Yawn... and talking to Nichew. Still talking now actually, over msn. OMG, I miss all the Rosyth galz.

So anyway, I don't think I can go online tomorrow, so I wanna wish an advance Happy Bdae!! to my good friend Tessa Kaur!! XD Why didn't you invite me to your b'dae party?? Hmpph... But I can't go anyway. Have fun! And hug every single one of the gals for me, yea?

OMG, I passed D&T!! *gasp* I thought it was impossible~ I got 65!! So happy. =D Most of my CT results quite good larh... Yay! =D Haha, feeling a little hyper today.

But now I'm so bored... Finish reading all my books le, raining outside, so I'm stuck inside. Sighz...

Yesterday I tried to go White Sands Popular to buy the Twilight Movie Guide for Kaiying but out of stock. =( So I can't find it. Sorry Kaiying! I'll try to go and buy before the March hols, but if really cant find then I'll go PS and find when i go there on Mon.

Gonna go read fanfics le. Cya!!

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

Thursday, March 5, 2009 ( 4:08 AM )

Big bdae shoutout to VERNE!! If your reading this, happy bdae! Good luck in RGS...

Wahh... this month so many people's bdae... Vkhoo, Tessa, Kaiying, Wendy... lost count le. Expect many more bdae shoutouts ppl...

Today damn sian... Got back Eng - 56.6/80 or something like that... i forget - and Math - 30/40 - and Lit - 77.6%!! So happy!! But the sad thing is geog, which I just passed. Sighz... I shan't put it on my blog cos all you Rosyth ppl will laugh at me. :(

Been trying to change my blogskin for my Science blog but the freaking blogskin that I'm trying to upload is "not well formed" or something... Apparently one of the XML thingies got prob, like never close or something, but I can't freaking find it!! I've been scanning through the whole thing also cannot find. Sheesh...

We (Xiaohui and Kaiying and I) went to the gym today while waiting for Kaiying's band to start. So damn fun lorh!! Haha. I was mainly using the cycling thingie, Xiaohui was doing the treadmill and Kaiying was doing the strides thingie. Lol. First time in the gym... I wanna go again!! I'll prob go next Wed with Xiaohui... anyone wanna come??

Then when I reached home, my dad tried to get me to go jogging with him by bribing me with 2 packs of M&Ms. Fat chance... I told him no way and the moment he was out the door I went to steal those M&Ms anyway... Hehe. His fault for not keeping them properly~ Lolz. I'm feeling evil today.

Arghhh... Freaking matt siew and his friends are spamming me on MSN now... Guys - if your reading it, **** you!!

Ok... got that outta my system... Dontcha just hate it when guys keep spamming you?? I don't even know half the guys there.

So anyway, I'm still trying to figure out my sci blog so please help this little noob here. =D Thanks...

Twilight Quote: Jacob didn’t want to be a part of this… cult. I don’t understand what could change him. I don’t want to be next. - Quil Ateara Jr., New Moon

Countdown to March hols: 8 MORE DAYS!! Miss you guys so freaking much~

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

Wednesday, March 4, 2009 ( 2:49 AM )

So happy today!! Lolz... got 83% for history! =D Beat a lot of ppl... Got 12/12 for class test and 26.5/35 for CT. A1 le!! ^^

But also very sad... HCL marks came out - 58.6%. Sobs... Feeling like dropping HCL next year. Should I?? HCL then don't need to take in JC. But must take CL O Levels in Sec3. If I go CL then more slack, but JC also gotta stress.

Tomorrow Geo and Math results should be coming out... So nervous. ARGGHHHH...

Nothing else happened today. English "Oral communicative skills" thingie was super boring. The teacher kept going on about "if you want to become a debate or lawyer...*everyone's head turns to me*" and "in a debate... *everyone stares at me again". Sheesh... She made us recite: Moses supposes his toeses (like, toes...) are roses but Moses suposses erractically (spelling?? basically, its e-ra-tic-er-li and means wrongly or something like that...). Because Moses knowses (knows) that his toeses are not roses and are not as he supposes them to be.

Stupid... So random and wuliao lorh... Then we did this weird miming thingie where we gotta split our group into "tourists" and "shopkeeper" where the tourists (who speak a different language) are trying to buy something that they desperately need from the shopkeeper (who also conveniently don't know whatever language the tourists are speaking). So we gotta like, use hand actions and stuff. My group did an umbrella so we were like, "you know... raining outside. we need umbrella to cover head!!" and we're like, gesturing wildly and stuff. Lolz... So weird.

Good luck to all peeps getting their results back/taking CTs!!

Twilight Quote: Well, the wolf's out of the bag now. - Embry Call, New Moon

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

Tuesday, March 3, 2009 ( 5:05 AM )

Just came back from dinner... OMG, debate was horrible. The trainer made me debate, but I was the only sec1 speaking. So freaky!! And I was forced to do 1st Prop, plus I didn't understand my points a lot. So little time to prep too... I didn't even have time to prep a script larh. Just talked off the points from my brainstorm session. And my timing was like, 3min 30 sec. Compared to the other timings of 6min 20sec, mine was sucky.

And I just realised that this blog is so dead. Talk people, talk.

Finished all my M&Ms!! =D I brought 9 packets for Art today, used 1 during Art, ate 2 during recess, ate another during cell, and one on the way home. That's like, *counts*5. So I gave the rest away, 1 to Charlene, 2 to Isabelle (haha, bias =D) and 1 more to... Chermaine I think... Bwahaha to the people who didn't get. =D

I need a blogskin for my science blog... Suggestions?? Something related to Science/School, preferably. Thanks!!

You know you love me,

Loved ~ ♥

I really miss you so much
Disclaimer {♥}
youknowyouloveme-sarah.bs.com Welcome To My Blog(:
Do respect my blog alright ? Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & don't come back again

Blogger {♥}

071196 is my BIG day

Wishes {♥}
good grades
enjoy and be good in debate
new moon♥
breaking dawn♥
midnight sun♥
twilight official handbook♥
twilight soundtrack♥
forever dawn♥(alternate sequel to Twilight that steph meyer refuses to publish)
more clothes
read the rest of the last vampire series♥
The Ashleys: Lip Gloss Jungle♥
The Specialists book 5♥
JB/Demi Lovato/ Taylor Swift songs
The Clique: books 10&11
The Clique (on DVD)
Sorority 101: New Sisters
An iphone/itouch
A Wii!
to pass D&T... *gasp*
The IT Girl book 7
Samurai Girl book 8
to go SAJC/RJC
Meet my ♥'08 classmates♥ more~
Home econs to start!!
An Ipod
A crumpler♥
Independence to go out by myself.

Tagboard {♥}

Click & Go {♥}

Mermory {♥}

Credits {♥}